
Follow these tips to grow spectacular Chrysanthemums.
Fertilizer: Chrysanthemums are heavy feeders and need to be fertilized in the spring as well as in the summer. A water-soluble fertilizer such as 20-20-20 or an organic fertilizer such as fish emulsion should be used. These types of fertilizers are best when used as a foliar feeding (spraying the plant with a hose-end sprayer) and applied in the early morning on an overcast day to prevent burning.
- Spring application: May 15
- Summer application: July 15
Pinching: Chrysanthemums also need to be pinched. This a process where you remove the all the tips of the plant branches to keep them from blooming early and to keep the plant bushy. The chrysanthemums should be pinched twice if they are planted out in the landscape. The first pinching should be on June 4 and the second should be on July 4. This will allow the plants to start blooming in mid to late August. If you dead-head the plants (remove the faded flowers) the plant will continue to bloom until the first heavy frost.
Fall and Winter Care: Since most chrysanthemums are hardy perennials, they will come back year after year if taken care of properly. Once the plant dies back, you should cut the dead back to the ground and cover it with a layer of mulch. This mulch layer will protect the roots from heaving in the winter.
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