Agriculture & Natural Resources

Agriculture & Natural Resources

Agriculture & Natural Resources

The Agriculture and Natural Resources program provides non-formal education in the areas of agricultural production and natural resource utilization. Specific programs include information on livestock production and management, forage production, equine production and management, farm pest control, CAIP education, farm business management, marketing and processing agricultural products, and natural resource management. We also address issues dealing with environmental stewardship, the rural-urban interface, and value-added enterprises.

Soil Testing

Soil testing is a chemical analysis that provides guidelines for lime and fertilizer needs of soils when considered in conjunction with post-fertilizer management and cropping history.

A basic soil test will determine your soil’s pH, as well as the levels of phosphorus (P), potassium (K), calcium (Ca), magnesium (Mg), and zinc (Zn). Results inform residents of fertilizer needs for their farm, lawn, or garden, based on the type of plants grown and the growing conditions of the property.  Additional types of special or specific soil tests are available for an additional charge.

A soil testing service is available to every Kentucky citizen through the University of Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station and Cooperative Extension Service.

Boyd County CES offers residents two free soil tests per year, compliments of Boyd County Farm Bureau and Boyd County Conservation Office. Each additional test is $6. Soil testing for properties outside of Boyd County or on commercial property will be charged the $6 fee. 

When taking samples of your soil, go 4 to 5 inches deep in several spots of the property. Collect all samples in a non-metallic container and mix thoroughly. Bring approximately 2 cups of the dry mixed soil with no grass or rocks to the Boyd County Extension office at 2420 Center Street in Catlettsburg. Results will be mailed to you in about 2 to 4 weeks.

Click Here For More Information


Agriculture and Natural Resources Staff

Meredith Hall

Extension Agent, Agriculture and Natural Resources

(606) 739-5184 Boyd County Extension Office 2420 Center Street, Catlettsburg, Kentucky 41129-1279

Casandra A Skaggs

Extension Assistant, Agriculture and Natural Resources, Horticulture

(606) 739-5184 Boyd County Extension Office 2420 Center Street, Catlettsburg, Kentucky 41129-1279

For More Information


Horses & Horsemen

- Franks Building

Boyd County Extension Presents: Horses & Horsemen

Horses & Horsemen

- Franks Building

Boyd County Extension Presents: Horses & Horsemen

4-H / FFA Lamb Showmanship Clinic

- Boyd County Education Center Barns

Chicken Keeping 101

- Franks Education Building

Intro to chicken keeping class

Chicken Keeping 101

- Franks Education Building

Intro to chicken keeping class

Eden Shale Farm Tour

- Eden Shale Farm

Attention: Van Spaces are limited to the first 11 people that register & request a seat in the Van
Folks can also drive & meet us at Eden Shale Farm that day.

See flyer for additional details

Contact Information

2420 Center Street Catlettsburg, KY 41129-1279

(606) 739-5184