Facilities & Directions
Boyd County Extension Service Facility Reservation Guidelines
- Reservations will be kept by the Boyd County Extension Service (BCES) secretarial staff. Forms are available at the Catlettsburg Extension Office (2420 Center Street, Catlettsburg) or online (boyd.ca.uky.edu).
- Scheduling will be done on a first‐come/first‐served basis with the County Extension Service receiving priority. (See definitions of user groups.)
- No reservations for groups or organizations outside Boyd County Extension shall be accepted more than two months (60 days) in advance.
- All requests for the use of the BCES facilities are to be submitted on the appropriate forms. Damage deposit of $100 is due within 48 hours of approval (if required).
- Persons obtaining reservation must be 21 years of age or older and will be responsible for group’s conduct and respect for facility. Any groups who abuse facility or violate rules and regulations will not be allowed to reserve the facility again. Charges for damages will be assessed and will be deducted from deposit if necessary.
- Unless trained by BCES Facility Personnel, outside groups must provide their own audio/visual equipment. Additional charge to use BCES system, see page 4 of guidelines.
- Unless the kitchen is being reserved, user will have to provide own ice.
- All Boyd County Extension Offices are closed from noon December 24 through January 1.
- Room reservations may not be transferred, assigned, or sublet.
- The Extension agents, or duly authorized representative on duty, shall have the right to enter all facilities, at all times during any and all occupancies.
- The person making the reservation shall observe, obey and comply with all applicable city, county, state, and federal laws, rules and regulations. All permits and licenses required for the intended use under terms of this policy shall be procured by the reservation applicant (health permits, etc.)
- The Boyd County Extension Council/District Board is not responsible for accidents, injury, illness, or loss of group or individual property. The BCES requires proof of insurance coverage for a minimum of one million dollars of event liability insurance per event. Proof of insurance must be turned in to the BCES no less than 7 days before the event. ‘BOYD COUNTY EXTENSION SERVICE’ must be listed as the co-insured.
- Reservation is ONLY for the time stated on application form. Time for setup and cleanup should be allowed in the reservation request. Please do not expect to use facility before or after the time stated on reservation. All members of the group must leave by the time reservation expires.
- All persons using the Extension facilities shall be properly clothed. Shirts and shoes are required.
- Do not scoot, pull or drag tables or chairs on the carpet or tile floors. Pick up chairs and tables when they need to be moved.
- All BCES facilities are tobacco-free.
- Alcohol and illegal drugs are not permitted on any BCES property. Intoxicated persons are not permitted on the premises.
- Weapons, flammable materials, and/or hazardous chemicals are not allowed on any BCES property (exceptions may be made for special projects such as 4‐H Shooting Sports, Hunter Safety Courses, or similar educational activities.) No concealed weapons will be allowed and under no circumstances will ammunition be allowed.
- No decorations, charts, posters, etc. may be attached to the walls, facings or doors.
- Upon arrival, user needs to inspect building and duly note any irregularities on the “Facility Use Checklist”. Please contact agent responsible for your group. Any user damaging property or equipment is responsible for the cost of the repair or replacement. All repairs will be arranged by Extension personnel. Extension personnel and noted representative will access building after use.
- Meeting room users are responsible for leaving the room in the condition it was found. Cleaning charges may be accessed to any group by the facility committee at the rate of $30.00 for the first hour and $15.00 each additional hour.
- Age groups 18 and under must be supervised by one adult for every ten participants present at all times while they are using the facility. Adults must remain in the facility with underage participants at all times during the event. The reservation must be made by one of the adults supervising the function.
- Only use trash cans with plastic bag liners. At the conclusion of your event, you must remove all used trash bags and place them in outside containers and bags must be replaced.
- Scrub the sink after use, especially when pouring leftover coffee into the sink. This eliminates stains. Wash and dry the coffee pot.
- If serving food or beverage, you must use your own utensils, paper products, cups, etc.
- Wipe tables and counters free of food products. Do not leave any food products in the refrigerator. Any food that is left will be disposed of.
- Sweep mud, crumbs, etc. from the foyer and meeting rooms if carried in by the group. Dust mops, brooms, etc. will be available. Groups who fail to do so will be held accountable.
- Leave tables and chairs in place. Room dividers are to be moved only by Extension personnel.
- The contact person for the event is responsible for key pickup and drop off, and is responsible for securing the building after the event, when Extension personnel are not present to do so.
- Any person or persons violating the established rules and regulations, or constituting a public nuisance, will be asked to leave the facility, and will not be allowed to use the building again for one year. The custodian or staff will notify the facility committee in the event of damages.
- All programs held at Extension facilities are open to all persons irrespective of race, color, ethnic origin, national origin, creed, religion, political belief, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, pregnancy, marital status, genetic information, age, veteran status, or physical or mental disability.
- No equipment or furniture may be removed from the building for any reason.
- Room capacity should not exceed the number posted by the Fire Marshal.
- If room temperature needs to be adjusted, contact Extension Agent or Custodian to adjust temperature control.
Policies Regarding Use of Public Meeting Rooms
Policies and fees are subject to periodic evaluation by the County Extension Council and Extension staff.
The policies described herein apply to all Boyd County Cooperative Extension buildings and property. Please support these guidelines by refraining from asking for exceptions for your group.
Boyd County Cooperative Extension Groups
First priority users (Extension Council and all county groups that relate directly to the council: District Board, 4‐H Council, Homemaker Council, Agriculture advisory and commodity groups, 4‐H and Homemaker Clubs, Master Gardeners, Community Development Clubs, program workshops, agents professional association activities, and other county‐wide Extension organizations) must have at least one Boyd County Extension Agent directly involved in the planning and delivery of educational programs and/or included in agent’s plan of work. Agent is not required to be present. All agents will submit annually a listing of groups with officer names that relate directly to their program. There will be no charge for use. A cleaning fee will be assessed by the facility committee if room is not left in an acceptable condition.
Boyd County Cooperative Extension Support Groups
Support groups are those organizations outside the umbrella and program definition of Boyd County Extension who are related to its efforts. These could be commodity groups, advisory councils, organizations that have significant or unique ties to Extension. This group must have at least one Boyd County Extension agent directly involved with the organization. Agent is not required to be present. All agents will submit annually a listing of groups with officer names that relate directly to their program. No fee will be assessed. A cleaning fee will be assessed if the room is left in an unacceptable condition. Reservation guidelines in this document apply.
Non‐Profit Groups
Government and university groups not listed in Group II, and other non‐profit groups will be considered by the Boyd County Extension Council Facility Committee, (Clean up, kitchen use, sound system use, etc.).
Subject to public meeting room fees.
Business and Industries
Educational and training functions of local businesses and industries will be considered by the County Extension Council Facility Committee, (Clean up, kitchen use, sound system use, etc.). Subject to public meeting room fees.
No Private Functions Will Be Allowed
Private functions include (but are not limited to) baby and wedding showers, receptions, family reunions, social affairs, sorority/fraternity function, birthday party, or partisan politics, etc.
Public Meeting Room Fees
Fees may be charged to organizations who are granted use of a room (see definition of User Groups.) These fees partially recover the Boyd County Extension Service’s cost of providing these rooms for public use.
Damage deposit of $100 and meeting room fees are due within 48 hours of approval. The damage deposit will be completely refunded if the meeting is cancelled 14 days prior to the scheduled date or after inspection no damage is noted. If a reservation is cancelled within 14 days of the event a minimum deposit of $45 will be retained.
KITCHEN USE: A Boyd County Extension trained/authorized manager must be present if kitchen is used. (Two hour minimum ) $45 |
$30 |
$15 |
SOUND SYSTEM/AUDIO VISUAL USE: A Boyd County Extension trained/authorized manager must be present if sound or A‐V equipment is used. (Two hour minimum) $45 |
$30 |
$15 |
CLEAN UP: Fee charged for use of room, tables, and chairs (NO kitchen or sound system) (Two hour minimum) $45 |
$30 |
$15 |
Damages will be assessed per cost of the repair or replacement.
To reserve a facility, please complete this form and email it to boyd.ext@uky.edu.
To stay at a campsite, please complete the Campsite Background Check

To The Extension Office
2420 Center Street
Catlettsburg, KY 41129

Take EXIT 191, travel toward Ashland on US 23 for 2.4 miles.
Exit to the RIGHT for Catlettsburg BUSINESS underpass.
Straight through the 4-way intersection.
The Extension Office is on the LEFT across from Neal Funeral Home.
Travel on US 23 towards Catlettsburg.
Turn LEFT under railroad tracks onto Center Street.
Pass through Floodwall.
The Extension Office is on the RIGHT across from Neal Funeral Home.

To the Franks Building & Expo Building
(Former Fair Building) at The Boyd County Extension Education Center (Former Fairgrounds)
1758 and 1760 Addington Road in Ashland

Take EXIT 181. Turn LEFT at the end of the exit ramp.
Travel approximately 1 mile. Turn LEFT at the COALTON AUTO AUCTION.
Extension Education Center is on the LEFT.
Travel on US 60 towards Cannonsburg.
Turn RIGHT at the light at Super Quik/Walmart.
Extension Education Center is on the LEFT.

Educational programs of Kentucky Cooperative Extension serve all people regardless of economic or social status and will not discriminate on the basis of race, color, ethnic origin, national origin, creed, religion, political belief, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, pregnancy, marital status, genetic information, age, veteran status, or physical or mental disability. UNIVERSITY OF KENTUCKY, KENTUCKY STATE UNIVERSITY, U.S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE, AND KENTUCKY COUNTIES, COOPERATING